Mark Outlines New Transparency measure for Political Ads


Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg today outlined the social network’s newest measures to get a handle on its political ads problem and reach “an even higher standard of transparency.” He listed three points the company is implementing to effect this change and plans to put in action next year, through a Facebook post. The most game-changing proposal … Read more

How to choose the right category for facebook page


Categories are important for Facebook Business Pages and selection of right categories is as much important as making a Facebook Business Page.This is a part two of our extensive guide How to make a Facebook Business Page in 5 Simple Steps.When you start to build a Facebook Page you came across with Six categories from which … Read more

How to create a Facebook page in 5 simple steps


Facebook does provide a lot of opportunities for almost everyone. With its new updates, it now provides more things for businesses whether small or large. The question arises how someone can take the benefit of these features. Well, all you have to do is to create a Facebook Business Page and let your fans or … Read more